Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Love chickens ")

I used to have lots of chickens when I was young. Every year we have bunches of chickens and ducks to kill and cook on Chinese New Year to give it to our ancesters.
I always hide a few chickens here and there from being kill. 
     I think my mother knew what I was doing but pretended that she did not know.
I miss my mother already "(
Let's cheer for the living chikens . Yeahhhhhhh !!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My first gold fish ")

 Well I forgot to mention the other day my friend Mike Roberto asked me to paint him a gold fish.
I did and as you can see, it is my first gold fish.")
I met Mike in LasVegas in 2008. When he put up the seminar for martial art teacher
       Guru Stevan Plinck. Even though we met only one time we kept in touch and became a better friend      than most people I knew. Mike is a Serak man also. He is a generous, thoughtful and kind man.
              Mike and I exchanged ideas, thoughts and we are also have the same belief which made  us become a better friend.
                               Here it is this one for you " Mike" ") 

Friday, December 17, 2010

Pay back to a friend who has been kind and generous to me

Today I thought of a person who has been good friend and kind and generous to me.
Even though we have not met for long . We became a good friend.

He gave me all kind of breaks when I bought something and never charged me for sharpened my knives.
Well , let's be fair . He gaves everyone a break come to think about it ")
I know that he likes dragon flies.

So this one is for you Dave my friend ")

Thursday, December 16, 2010

New lesson of today ") for myself

                     I have learned that lots and lots of patience are needed for every situation of life.
Especially when you are painting ,and learning new thing
                    Wow I am a genius ")
                               I do not need any comment on this. Thank you ")

Da Kine Art: My Over The Hill Mid-Life crisis get away place

Da Kine Art: My Over the Hill Mid-Life crisis get away place: "I had a desired to learn Chinese paint brush art long long time already. But it never become reality until one day we ran in old friend..."

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Today lesson

Well today lesson is very simple to look at . But it is sooooooooo hard to do or understand "(
I did it any way and let's see some of you can figure it out of what I just paint.
Learned more about the feeling. strokes, inks,  you have to put into your painting
My painting still look like stift object with no feeling
But it is a very good lesson indeed ")

My mid-life crisis get away place

I had a desired to learn Chinese paint brush art long long time already. But it never become reality until one day we ran in old friend name "Tim Loh".
He is the master of Chinese paint brush called She-i similar to Sume-i painting.
I asked him if he is willing to teach me. He said "yes". and that is how my new journey begin .
We started with I teach and do " Chi Gung" with him for and hour and then he teach me the art of Chinese brush paintin for an hour then we go out and eat " good foods" . The last part we like a lot ")
I have been doing this for about 3 months now and enjoy every moments, mistakes and disappointments. frustrations all along the way .
I always love birds and flowers let see where they will lead me to............... ???
Have you ever see any one who see the flowers or little cute birds and hates it? I never see any.
For now I enjoy mingle with my daughter and my grandson while she is printing and edited my pictures for post cards for me.
Well this is my first blog of my new journey  we will see where it is going.........hope to see you along the way also ")