Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Simplify ")

I have been in a heavy thought lately . How to simplify my life and my martial art.

We are all know that you can eat, drink and do anything as long as we are doing in moderation fashion.
Whether we can do it or not that is another story.

Last year I went home and met my long lost friends which we did not contact each other for over 40 years. I found that exercise is a key to stay healthy.
None of my friends were doing any kind of exercise at all. Most of them have problems. I am glad that I like to exercise and do thing moderately.
For many years now I tried to live my life simple and less materialistic.

"Moderate" is a key to everything in life . So here are my thoughts of moderation  .

S =   Slow down & enjoy thing, people around you, .....................spontaneous, skill

I =    Imagine doing less, interact with friends and families.............intensity

M=   Make time for loved one, moderate.......................modify
P=    Practice patience,kindness and thoughtful..................... practical

L=     Learn how to live, love and laugh,listen more.............. lower

I=     Increase your quiet time, ............invention,integrate

F=    Follow your heart, find time to exercise  ......................forward pressure

Y=   Yield to live, peace and joy, .........yield to incoming pressure

One is for my daily life and the other is for my martial art.
If you guy would like to use some of these be my guest and let see where will it takes us to ................
Any suggestions, ideas are welcome all the time. My cup always empty ")

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Love that money can buy ")

      Who ever said that you can not buy" love ". I can prove to that person that he/she is wrong.
My love name " Beau " is unconditional love that I bought him 10 years ago.
Without him I will be so lonely and sad all the time. He kept me comforted even when I have a bad dream. He listened to me without judgement or advise.
       Even when I was mad at him he still love me
      He slept with me more than my wife ever did. Matter of fact he slept with me every day since I brought him home 10 years ago.
  He is the love of our life. He kept my wife calmed and happier. He made us smile of his silliness act.
He is definitely love that money can buy. I do not know what we would do without him .
When " Beau" was 4 years old we adopted another minpin, his name is " Sooner " .
  He is my wife dog. He was abused by people and kept looking for my wife for 2 1/2 years.
He came form Oklahoma to Texas and then to Washington state and then Oregon.
   I found him in the ads and as soon as he saw my wife they both just bonded to each other like magic.
I really meant it when I said he is my wife dog. My wife can shake him, throw him around and do what ever to him.He just sit there and loves it. But no one else can do what my wife can.
         Even myself can not do that either.
                           He is very loyal and protective with my wife. We do love him .
                                       As you see we can really buy "love".
By the way they are both "minpins" "Sooner " is the one with bamboo. " Beau " is the fat one ")
       We all should support Animal Service Programs.
            Because animals can not talk to us and tell us what happen to their life .
Many of them have been abused and can not complain to any one.
                 At least there are some people out there are willing to help.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year , new things ????

Well I am sitting and enjoying beautiful weather for once.
                     It is definitely a great starter of a New Year ")
                                   Even though it is 27'f  it still very beautiful.
                                           The sun is out and the sky is clear.
      I hope this year is better for all of the tigers ").
                Most of us(that I knew) had a bad year "(
                       I have this picture I took from our garden.
                             It makes me happier just to look at it .
                                  I hope it does the same to you.
              Have a great New Year everyone .
                               This one for all of the tigers,and all my friends and family
                                   " Life is too short , you must relax and enjoy
Let's plant a seed of kindness in our heart, and let it grows for this coming year   !!!!!!!!