Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Simplify ")

I have been in a heavy thought lately . How to simplify my life and my martial art.

We are all know that you can eat, drink and do anything as long as we are doing in moderation fashion.
Whether we can do it or not that is another story.

Last year I went home and met my long lost friends which we did not contact each other for over 40 years. I found that exercise is a key to stay healthy.
None of my friends were doing any kind of exercise at all. Most of them have problems. I am glad that I like to exercise and do thing moderately.
For many years now I tried to live my life simple and less materialistic.

"Moderate" is a key to everything in life . So here are my thoughts of moderation  .

S =   Slow down & enjoy thing, people around you, .....................spontaneous, skill

I =    Imagine doing less, interact with friends and families.............intensity

M=   Make time for loved one, moderate.......................modify
P=    Practice patience,kindness and thoughtful..................... practical

L=     Learn how to live, love and laugh,listen more.............. lower

I=     Increase your quiet time, ............invention,integrate

F=    Follow your heart, find time to exercise  ......................forward pressure

Y=   Yield to live, peace and joy, .........yield to incoming pressure

One is for my daily life and the other is for my martial art.
If you guy would like to use some of these be my guest and let see where will it takes us to ................
Any suggestions, ideas are welcome all the time. My cup always empty ")

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